Monday, November 30, 2009


創建香港提交文件全文 Designing Hong Kong Submission


Read previous post for background details. Below please find the entire text submitted to the Town Planning Board, the Lands Department, Secretary for Development, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Tourism Commissioner, Harbourfront Enhancement Committee. You can send your own by clicking here NOW, it only takes a second!

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Sunday, November 29, 2009


計劃發展鯉魚門的歷史 | History of planning for Lei Yue Mun

九龍中部及東部發展綱領, 鯉魚門區的長遠發展將保留鄉村特色。

The Central and East Kowloon Development Statement (CEKDS) proposed that Lei Yue Mun be retained for village development.

1999 – 2002
1999年由規劃署委任及於2002完成之鯉魚門區鄉村改善發展研究已確定所需任務是透過保留獨有的鄉村特色, 希望提高鯉魚門的生活條件並發展成一個旅遊區。研究建議包括提供海濱長廊, 登岸設施, 休憩公園及改善公共空間設施, 行人道及街景美化。這項研究確定了需要解決的環境問題,並提供必要的服務。

The Study on Village Improvement of Lei Yue Mun Area commissioned by Planning Department in 1999 and completed in 2002 assessed opportunities to enhance Lei Yue Mun for improved living conditions and tourism development, whilst retaining and capitalising upon the area's unique charm as a traditional village. Proposals include a waterfront promenade on stilts, gateway features, rest gardens and generally improved open spaces, footpaths and streetscape. The study identified the need to address environmental issues and to provide essential services.

2000 – 2003
 Tourism Commission (TC) has implemented Tourist District Enhancement Programmes in key tourist spots. TC completed a number of minor improvement works in 2003 to enhance the streetscape and tourist facilities of Lei Yue Mun as a destination for visitors and local residents.

油塘地鐵站啟用, 步行到鯉魚門只需一段短距離。
Yau Tong MTR station opened a short walk away from Lei Yue Mun.

旅遊事務署向觀塘區議會闡釋香港旅遊發展局(旅發局)全力支持在鯉魚門的海鮮酒家附近闢建泊岸設施, 以便旅客經海路前往鯉魚門, 豐富他們的旅遊體驗。根據旅發局的初步評估, 新泊岸設施每月可吸引約11,000旅客以海上旅遊型式前往鯉魚門享用午膳或晚膳; 旺季月份可增至14,000; 相對現時, 每月旅客人數只有約1,500名。
 The Tourism Commission explained to the Kwun Tong District Council that the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) supports the provision of a landing facility near the seafood restaurants in LYM to facilitate visitors’ access by sea thereby enriching their experience. According to HKTB’s initial assessment, the new landing facility can attract about 11,000 visitors to travel to LYM by sea for lunch or dinner per month, and up to 14,000 per month during the peak season. This compared to the monthly visitation of about 1,500 visitors only at the time.


經濟發展及勞工局局長葉澍堃答覆立法會的提問關注泊岸設施選址在較窄的航道內。他解釋設施必須適合觀光船隻停泊及方便旅客上落, 並且接近鯉魚門的海鮮酒家及景點。現時位於觀塘三家村的登岸設施, 由於它的位置並不接近鯉魚門的海鮮酒家(只需五分鐘路程!)所以旅客或觀光船隻很少使用(這設施本來不是設計作此用途)

至於建議泊岸設施對鯉魚門航道的影響, 土木工程拓展署已聯同海事處小心考慮各項因素, 其中最重要為海事安全。在燈塔附近的建議選址, 位於鯉魚門航道範圍之外, 不會阻礙或影響鯉魚門的航道, 或收窄可供船隻航行的水域範圍。(但航道確實是收窄了。) 相反地, 為方便觀光船隻使用, 有關的工程會包括將泊岸設施附近的前濱及海床範圍適當地挖深, 使新泊岸設施附近可供船隻航行的水域範圍加闊約30 米。(所答覆只是一種行政方法來量度船隻在海面某一範圍的航行情況, 根本未能解答問題。他亦沒有指出海事處提出興建防波堤的目的是要減低過急水流。)”

Secretary for Economic Development and Labour, Mr Stephen Ip, responded to concerns over locating the new landing facility in the narrowest part of the harbour. He explained to the Legislative Council that “The new landing facility needs to be able to accommodate sight-seeing vessels, convenient to visitors and near to the seafood restaurants and tourism attractions. As the existing landing facility at Sam Ka Tsuen in Kwun Tong is located some distance away (5 minutes walk only!) from the seafood restaurants, it has seldom been used by visitors or sight-seeing vessels (it is not operated for that purpose).”

“As regards the proposed landing facility's impact on the fairway of Lei Yue Mun Channel, Civil Engineering and Development Department in conjunction with Marine Department have considered all factors carefully, the most important one being marine safety. The proposed site near the lighthouse is located outside the fairway of Lei Yue Mun Channel. It will not obstruct or affect the fairway, or reduce the fairway's navigational width (but it does narrow the channel). On the contrary, to facilitate navigation and berthing of sight-seeing vessels, the construction works concerned will involve dredging in the foreshore and seabed area in the vicinity of the proposed landing facility, so that the navigational width in its vicinity will be extended by about 30 metres (ta fairway is an administrative measure designating an area of water for movement by vessels and irrelevant to the question. Neither did he point out the Marine Department required a breakwater to be added to mitigate the fast currents.).”

基於安全理由(水流!)否決了觀塘區議會的提議, 新防波堤落成後將不會開放予公眾作休憩用途。
For safety reasons (currents!), the new breakwater will not be opened for leisure use by the public despite requests by the Kwun Tong District Council.

食物環境衞生署(食環署)對立法會食物安全及環境衞生事務委員會提出修訂《食物業規例》禁止從指明水域抽取海水飼養活海鮮。食環署委託一家根據香港實驗所認可計劃獲認可的化驗所, 按照環保署採用的一般海水測試指引, 檢定該處沿岸的水質。化驗結果顯示, 該處大部分地方的海水樣本驗出大腸桿菌平均含量超出魚缸水的法定限量標準, 餘下地方的海水樣本所含大腸桿菌的數目亦接近法定限量標準。但鯉魚門區一些海鮮商戶對劃定建議的禁區有不同意見。他們認為緊接三家村避風塘對開沿岸水域的水質尚算理想, 故不應劃為建議中的禁區。
The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department reported to LegCo Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene on Amendments to the Food Business Regulation to prohibit extraction of seawater from specified areas for keeping live seafood. FEHD engaged a laboratory accredited under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) to ascertain the water quality in accordance with the general protocol for marine water testing adopted by EPD. Laboratory findings were that the average E. coli content of most of the locations tested exceeded the statutory limit for fish tank water. The E. coli counts at the remaining locations were found close to the statutory limit. Seafood traders in Lei Yue Mun expressed different views and claimed that the water quality outside the Sam Ka Tsuen Typhoon Shelter was satisfactory and should be excluded from the proposed prohibited areas. LC Paper No. CB(2)671/08-09(04) (20 January 2009)

鯉魚門海旁改善計劃工程範圍包括興建公眾泊岸設施、防波堤和海濱長廊; 沿鯉魚門海濱闢設五個觀景點及優化現有的觀景廣場; 美化串連各個特色觀景點的行人路; 以及興建一個新的觀景台。根據商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長(工商及旅遊)提出建設費用約為2.1億元 (問題編號: 0845)
 The scope of works under the Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Enhancement Project includes the construction of a public landing facility, a breakwater and a waterfront promenade, building of five lookout points along the Lei Yue Mun waterfront and improvement of the existing viewing platform, landscaping of footpaths linking the various lookout points and construction of a new viewing platform. The cost of works is about $210 million according to the Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Commerce, Industry and Tourism) Question Serial No. 0845


共建維港委員會, 觀塘區議會, 鯉魚門居民和政府官員訪問了鯉魚門。在參觀期間, 參觀人員不得不跨過開放的排水道當中充滿人類排泄物。他們還目睹了食肆排放的污水流入避風塘。參觀期間, 居民試圖(但未成功)說服共建維港委員會支持在蠔殼石灘放置天后像雕塑。 20098月在環境保護署給共建維港委員會一封電子郵件中證實, 除了在鯉魚門海傍道這一小段路內, 鯉魚門村內是沒有污水渠的。大部份村內未有鋪設污水管。平日所產生的污水或排泄物會直接經雨水渠流入大海。村內的公廁則使用化糞池及滲水井, 由食環署定期清理和清除固體廢物。
The Harbourfront Enhancement Committee, Kwun Tong District Council, Lei Yue Mun residents and Government officials visited Lei Yue Mun. During the tour, the visitors had to step over open storm drains filled with human excrement. They also witnessed the discharge of waste water from restaurants into the typhoon shelter. During the meeting the residents attempted (but failed) to convince the Harbourfront Enhancement Committee to support use of the beach for a Tin Hau Goddess Statue. August 2009 In an email to the Harbourfront Enhancement Committee it was confirmed by the Environmental Protection Department that there is no foul sewerage within the Lei Yue Mun Village except on a short section of Lei Yue Mun Praya Road. The great majority of the village is unsewered. Sewage or wastewater generated from the village premises are discharged direct to sea through rain water drain pipes. The public toilet within the village is using a septic tank and soak-away pit which is periodically cleaned and solid content is removed from the septic tank by the FEHD.

在特首施政報告 群策創新天” (52)內提到協調政府有關部門與旅遊業界的工作, 以配合主要旅遊基建設施的運作和發展, 包括: (a) 規劃及統籌新項目: 包括改善鯉魚門的海旁設施。
The Chief Executive included Lei Yue Mun in his Policy Agenda ‘Breaking New Ground Together’ paragraph 52: “Co-ordinating efforts of Government and the tourism industry to facilitate the operation and development of major tourism infrastructure facilities, including – (a) planning and co-ordinating new projects including the enhancement of the Lei Yue Mun waterfront.”

商務及經濟發展局局長向立法局指出 政府正在不同地區推行旅遊設施改善工程確保這些項目能達至居民的期望, 並能滿足旅客的需要及豐富他們的旅遊體驗。就鯉魚門海旁改善計劃, 有關工務部門現正進行詳細設計工作, 並按既定的法定程序就項目工程安排刋憲。如有關的程序得以順利完成, 我們希望於二零一零年第三季向立法會申請撥款。工程預計最快可於二零一一年初動工, 並於二零一二年底分階段完成。
 The Secretary for Economic Development explained to LegCo: “We are pursuing improvement projects on tourism facilities…meet the expectations of residents, satisfy the needs of visitors and enrich their visiting experience. For the Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Enhancement Project, the works departments are preparing the detailed design and arranging for gazettal of the project works according to statutory procedures. Subject to completion of the relevant procedures, we intend to seek funding approval from the Legislative Council in the third quarter of 2010, with a view to commencing the works in early 2011 for phased completion from end 2012 onwards.”

在共建維港委員會一份文件中, 規劃署在鯉魚門分區計劃大綱圖內作出更改, 以配合旅遊事務署鯉魚門的改善計劃。
 In a paper to Harbourfront Enhancement Committee, the Planning Department presented changes to the Outline Zoning Plan for Lei Yue Mun to accommodate the Tourism Commission’s enhancement project for Lei Yue Mun.

其他資料 Other information
Tourism Commission website’s page on Lei Yue Mun

Slide presentation on Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Enhancement Project


鯉魚門改善計劃 (胃部不適人士勿看) | Lei Yue Mun plans (not for those with a weak stomach)

 遊客到鯉魚門食海鮮, 需要一邊用饍, 一邊面對食肆排出之廢物甚至人類排泄物。附近水域及避風塘之海水大腸桿菌已超過飼養食用海產的法定上限。旅遊事務署計劃推廣鯉魚門, 卻未有第一時間計劃設置污水處理系統。請於2009129日前提出反對。


Tourists visiting Lei Yue Mun are exposed to human excrement and restaurant waste flowing through open drains while on their way to a seafood meal. The e-coli content of the seawater and typhoon shelter exceeds the statutory limit for keeping live seafood served to restaurant patrons. The Tourism Commission plans to attract more tourists to Lei Yue Mun without first fixing the sewerage. Click here to use our on-line objection form before 9 December 2009.

Object to the Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Enhancement project
The Tourism Commission wants to reclaim 800 square meters in the Harbour and spend HK$210m on a new pier to attract visitors to Lei Yue Mun. Designing Hong Kong Limited objects – the first priority should be to fix the toilets!

10年計劃, 耗資超過2億港元, 但沒有計劃修理洗手間!
一班食肆東主多年前已察覺遊客選擇到鯉魚門食海鮮的興趣已大減, 有見及此, 旅遊事務署正推廣以21千萬興建公眾泊岸設施、防坡堤、海濱長廊、觀景台等讓旅客可近距離接近海邊。而新興建的泊岸設施預計每月可吸引11,000名旅客光顧海鮮食肆, 旺季更可達14,000人次。相比現時每月約為1,500人次。

而鯉魚門居民亦希望在蠔殼石灘興建一座天后像雕塑以吸引郵輪旅客。這兩個方案由區議會及立法局議員陳鑑林及李華明推動(民選!) 但他們應該告訴鯉魚門居民先清理他們所作的事。

鯉魚門 令人嘔心的垃圾堆
到訪鯉魚門並不困難: 港鐵油塘站於2002年啟用, 於該站步行一小段路程即可到達。鯉魚門及油塘附近亦有新建成住宅樓宇, 居民亦逐漸增多, 但到鯉魚門消費卻不見增加, 相對於西貢、香港仔、南丫島、海上食肆、蘇豪東(鯉景灣)及未來的西九文化區等, 反而繼續下跌 要活化鯉魚門成為更具吸引力的地方, 除了新的泊岸設施及天后娘娘幫手外, 還有更多應做的事情

搖搖欲墜的寮屋、垃圾堆、生锈的圍欄、及最惡劣的事情──沒有污水處理! 所有污水及廢物經由雨水排水道直接流出附近水域。

經過十年 改善鯉魚門”, 旅遊事務署於村口加建富中國特式的牌坊, 重舖行人路及加建路牌, 現在更計劃興建泊岸設施以吸引更多旅客。


10 years, over HK$200million, and no plan to fix the toilets!
Restaurant operators in Lei Yue Mun have long noticed that they are losing their attraction as a seafood dining destination. In response, the Tourism Commission is promoting a HK$210m new public landing, breakwater, promenade, look-out points and landscaping to facilitate access by sea. The new landing is expected to attract 11,000 tourists per month for a seafood meal, and up to 14,000 during the peak season. This compares to the existing monthly visitation of about 1,500 tourists.

Lei Yue Mun residents also want to place a Tin Hau Goddess Statue on Oyster Shell Beach to attract the attention of cruise ship passengers.

The two projects are pushed by the District Officer and District Council and Legislative Council representatives (votes!), including Chan Kam-lam and Fred Li. They should have told the Lei Yue Mun villagers to clean up their act in stead.

Lei Yue Mun is a disgusting dump.
Access is not Lei Yue Mun’s problem: The Yau Tong MTR opened in 2002, only a short walk away. New residential developments have been going up in Lei Yue Mun and neighbouring Yau Tong. But this did not stop the decline. With competition from Sai Kung, Aberdeen, Lamma, harbour dining cruises, Soho East (Ling Kei Wan) and the future West Kowloon Cultural District – revitalizing Lei Yue Mun as a competitive attraction requires more than a new pier or a helping hand from the Tin Hau Goddess.

Lei Yue Mun has no sewerage system.
Ramshackle huts, garbage heaps, rusting fences, and most atrocious of all - there is no sewerage! All sewage and waste is discharged through storm drains directly into the surrounding waters.

A decade into ‘enhancing Lei Yue Mun’, the Tourism Commission has built a Chinese style monument at the entrance to the village, repaved a footpath and added road signs, and now plans to add a new pier to bring more tourists.

However, the Tourism Commission has made no attempt to resolve the essential sewage and hygiene problems. Click here to tell them to do so!


期望吸引更多遊客 ─估計有1,000倍增長─ 及增加相對的就業機會, 但不首先處理排污系統, 及進一步惡化的污染及衞生問題。請即處理洗手間問題

遊客一邊用饍, 卻一邊要面對食肆排出之廢物甚至人類排泄物, 實在有違香港一直宣傳優質的形象。請保護香港的形象  

4. 如要興建一座天后像雕塑, 維多利亞港東面僅餘的岸灘蠔殼石灘便會被掩蓋, 而燈塔及岩石露頭亦會在視線上被遮擋。請保存僅餘的天然遺產。

在新的泊岸設施一公里內就是使用率不足的三家村碼頭, 已經有現成的渡頭 (需要略為修葺)及避風塘內一些泊岸渡頭。800平方米的開發及21千萬撥款實在浪費公共資源。請停止開發及浪費公帑

通往天后像的人行道存有潛在危險。因該處的地基由經過長年累月侵蝕的碎石瓦礫組成, 若沒有鞏固的海堤, 岸邊是會受到水浸威脅。請保障遊客安全


而最迫切及重要的工程是興建污水處理系統及建造海堤。旅遊事務署並沒有專業團隊去解決技術、土地狀況及空間限制等問題。除非由其他部門例如市區重建局或發展局海港小組接管, 否則鯉魚門將會成為一個無人問津的地方(卻擁有一個新碼頭)旅遊事務署應被撤職 

創建香港作出呼籲: 反對鯉魚門興建泊岸設施之開發及規劃, 支持綜合檢討方案, 當中包括維修洗手間!

Critical concerns
1. The seawater and typhoon shelter are highly polluted. The e. coli content exceeds the statutory limit and operators use it for keeping their live seafood which is served to restaurant patrons. Click here to stop it.

2. Attracting more visitors – an estimated 1,000% increase in tourists - and related increase in employment without first fixing the sewerage will aggravate the pollution and hygiene problems. Click here to fix the toilets first.

3. Exposing tourists to human excrement and restaurant waste flowing through open drains while on their way to a seafood meal is in conflict with the 'quality' image Hong Kong is pursuing under its tourism strategies. Click here to protect HK's image.

There are other problems with the proposed ‘enhancement’ plans
4. The Tin Hau Godess statue will cover Oyster Shell Beach, the last remaining beach in eastern Victoria Harbour, and hide the Lei Yue Mun lighthouse and rocky outcrop from view. Click here to protect our heritage.

5. Within one kilometer of the new landing are the underutilized the Sam Ka Tsuen Pier, the existing village jetty (which needs repairs) and several berthings in the typhoon shelter. The 800 square meters of reclamation and HK$210m of funds are a waste of public resources. Click here to stop reclamation and waste of public funds.

6. The foundation of the footpath to the Tin Hau Temple is unsafe. It consists of rubble and sections have collapsed over time. This lack of a solid seawall also means the village is without flood protection. Click here to protect visitors.

The Tourism Commission must be taken off the job
The tasks required to make Lei Yue Mun a preferred seafood dining experience for residents and tourists have been identified in the ‘Study on Village Improvement of Lei Yue Mun Area’ commissioned by Planning Department in 1999 and completed in 2002.

Essential engineering includes foul sewerage and a seawall as the top priority. The Tourism Commission does not have the expertise to resolve the technical, land status and space constraints. Lei Yue Mun will remain a basket case (with a new pier) unless an organization such as the Urban Renewal Authority or the Harbour Unit under the Development Bureau takes over. Click here to take the Tourism Commission off Lei Yue Mun.

Support cleaning up Lei Yue Mun (before 9 December 2009)
Designing Hong Kong Limited calls on you to object to the reclamation and rezoning required for proposed landing and to support our proposals for comprehensive review including fix the toilets first in Lei Yue Mun!

Location of Lei Yue Mun

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